Friday, January 20, 2012

On the subject of wooden clothing, it has been made before, but not quite wearable. These are some amazing works! Carving done well! If only these were a little more flexible... Amazing Wooden Clothing


  1. I've got a few ideas I thought I would share about creating clothing with wood. I don't have any pictures because its all still in my head. These are just construction techniques, the design and so forth can go many different directions and once a person has started I'm sure that new ideas would come to mind and branch off in another direction. So here they are:

    1: I started picturing actually sewing a wooden piece of clothing together. This could be done by basically just making a few hundred or more small pieces with each one have multiple holes, which is where thread would pass through onto the next piece. Sort of like braiding. Each small piece could be different; in size, depth, color, texture, pattern... each piece would not have to be wood either.... I love that idea. A wooden piece of clothing could also include some great recycled items for an awesome appeal with differences. There are so many ways that it could be sewed together that I'm not even going to start talking about that... I have to sleep tonight at some point.

    2: If a person decided to create a piece that actually fit the shape and size of their body, or actually if not also, they could cut very thin pieces and bend and glue together. If a person rips wood with the grain down to a good 1/16 or even 1/32 or even 1/64, if the blade is perfect, these pieces can be wrapped around a form similar to the body and contact cemented. they will stay this way for a long time and contact cement is great because of its stregth and how quick it attaches pieces together. If a person decided to play around with this, remember that for one piece to stay in its place, it has to be connected to others and layered. I could see a decent piece of clothing being made with probably 3-4 layers. It would also be great to team up with another person for this project, because they could wrap and glue the pieces around your body... and likewise for the other. But Good Luck cutting them off if too many are glued on. hahahah!!!

    I just thought I would share these ideas of forming wood into clothing... I look forward to hearing on other peoples ideas of how wood can have the possibility of being worn.

  2. I thought of another wood clothing type design today, that would actually be Amazing to wear and show. The only downsize to this would be that I doubt Dean would accept it because it would be extremely easy! I pictured one just wearing some very tight clothing, that they really didn't care about and then totally covering their whole body in a pretty wet clay, even all over their face, around their eyes and everywhere. Then some other students would just take buckets of sawdust and press it into the clay and totally build them up to the point where they just looked like they were made of sawdust!! I would call this wood clothing. Wood is what everyone would see...
    Dean, what do you think about this?

    I would be the one willing to give it a try... I've been down this road before, except with about a gallon of anti-sieze that we used from the supply room in Machine-Shop class. I was quite a shiny sexy guy that day. Many people honked as I stood by the stop light going into the airport near the Helena Vo-tech. My teacher actually just said what ever happens, he knows nothing about!

    But I really do think that it would be a great art-form to think about. Imagine me strutting down the run-way for our class wood clothing show, with my entire body covered in sawdust. From this point on, I could create some nice, well built shoes and a hat out of wood to match my very flexible body attire. :) - Give this some thought -

  3. I'm excited to present my wearable wood clothing tomorrow!!!
    I'm actually very impressed with my accidental art production.
    It seems like now, and in my past, some of my best pieces have through the production process of "breaking out of the box." What I mean by this, is how many times I get so focused on an idea that it becomes very structured and more difficult than I expected and it never brings results that I desired. For this wood project, I basically had a little talk with myself and said to just start working.... and working.... and working.... and accept and build upon what starts to appear. I have been around a wood shop most of my life, but everything that I have ever done is from a drawn plan within the construction / cabinetry business. Woodworking in the sculptural realm is a whole different world. I believe that is why I struggled with this project for a least the first week. I'm used to all of my cuts being square... attachments being tight... all processes done with preciseness.... These are my past habits that I had to get rid of in order for this to happen. It's been a great project... I'm beginning to see the other side!! :)

  4. I have also been wondering how it is possible to upload pictures on this blog as we talk about subjects. I know that I can load one at the beginning of a new post, but that would mean that everyone and every picture would be a new post and within a month, we would just have a huge list of posts, without them all being linked together???

  5. Oh... and one more thing.... coffee works pretty well to put out a fire. Wood smoke has a unique smell to it, but when coffee is added, a new scent arises that is actually not too bad. I'm sure that I'll hear a different opinion when my wife wakes up in the morning and gets a wiff of it because the whole house smells like burnt roasted Kona beans. :)
